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Post Event Report Form
*The Post Event Report Form must be submitted within 7 days after the event date.Revelle College Council (RCC) is Revelle’s student governing body. Duties of the council include providing oversight for Revelle's student activities fee, promoting student groups and events, and providing a means for Revelle students to get involved.
For more information, contact Aileen Ocampo, at rccadministration@ucsd.edu.
The Revelle College Council creates, approves, and manages a quarterly budget. If you have questions about RCC's finances/budget, please contact Maddie Mercado, RCC Vice President - Finance, at rccfinance@ucsd.edu.
RCC Finance Committee Meetings: Finance Committee meetings are held every Tuesday at 8:00 p.m. (Pacific Time) via Zoom during the academic year (No meetings during Summer Session/Summer Break).
To attend a Finance Committee meeting, click on the following Zoom link: https://ucsd.zoom.us/j/92056859923
*You must be logged into a UC San Diego Google account to access the template.
Post Event Report Form
*The Post Event Report Form must be submitted within 7 days after the event date.Executive Board
President: Grace Constantian, rccpresident@ucsd.edu
Vice President – Internal: Samantha Parker, rccvicepresident@ucsd.edu
Vice President– External: Vickie Nguyen, rccexternal@ucsd.edu
Vice President– Finance: Maddie Mercado, rccfinance@ucsd.edu
Vice President – Administration: Aileen Ocampo, rccadministration@ucsd.edu
Voting Members
Director of Spirit and Events: Golsa Rahbari, rccevents@ucsd.edu
Director of Student Services: Andrea Marie "Andie" Ongaco, rccdss@ucsd.edu
A.S. Senator: Gage Mowrey
A.S. Senator: Nicholas Tappin
4th Year Representative: Kyli Joe
3rd Year Representative: Kylie Hickey
2nd Year Representative: Isaac Rodriguez
1st Year Representative: Christina Rodriguez
1st Year Representative: Brianna Ton
Commuter Representative: Renata Quiroz
Residential Representative: Chris Jaah Ajanel
Out of State Representative: Mia Chiang
International Representative: Donata Siagian
Transfer Representative: Jimmy Choy, rcctransferrep@ucsd.edu
Transfer Representative: Sean Golding, rcctransferrep@ucsd.edu
First Generation Student Representative: Rafael Mejia-Ramos
First Generation Student Representative: Topher Huerta
Campus-Wide Committee Representatives
Undergraduate Housing Advisory Council (UHAC): VACANT
Student Fee Advisory Committee (SFAC): Ichiro Shimizu
Student Fee Advisory Committee Shadow: Divenaa Madan
University Centers Advisory Board (UCAB): Sophia Li
Student Health and Well-Being Advisory Board (SHWAB): Stephanie Venegas Solorio
Recreation Facilities Advisory Board (RFAB): Mili Joseph
Library Student Advisory Council (LSAC): Idalia Fernandez
Ex-Officio Members
Student Initiated Programs at Revelle Representative: Tiffany Pham, revsip@ucsd.edu
Judicial Board Representative: Carter Slay
Resident Assistant Representative: Auro Dutta
Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Advocate: Cathy Tan
Basic Needs Advocate: Victor Amet
Sustainability Advocate: Caren Aguirre
Civic Engagement Advocate: Pari Hathiram
Advisor (Ex-Officio): Sherry Mallory, Dean of Student Affairs, slmallory@ucsd.edu
Advisor (Ex-Officio): Wesley Paláu, Coordinator of Student Activities, wpalau@ucsd.edu
Assistant to Advisor: Isabel Lopez, Executive Assistant to the Dean of Student Affairs, i1lopez@ucsd.eduThe Humanities Book Lending Program (HBLP)
The Humanities Book Lending Program is a free textbook lending service available to all Revelle students! We strive to relieve the financial burden of purchasing academic textbooks for the Humanities (HUM) sequence. By doing so, we hope to remove barriers to retention in Revelle students' education for underrepresented student populations. This program is part of the Student Services Committee, funded by Revelle College's student fees and donations.
Borrowing books is as simple as coming to the College Center (1st floor Blake Hall) with a valid UCSD student ID. You may borrow 3 books for 1 week at a time.
Request extensions by calling the College Center at (858) 534-4545. This service is available all quarter, and the last day to rent or return books is Week 10's Friday before Finals week. The College Center location and hours can be found below:
Location: Blake Hall 123 (on the side of Revelle Plaza)
Hours of Operation: Monday-Friday 10 am-9 pm, Saturday 12-4 pm, and Sunday 6-9 pm
Please feel free to contact us with any questions at rccdss@ucsd.edu. You can also follow our Instagram @officialucsdrcc for more updates!
Revelle College Rental Program
Revelle College Council is pleased to offer new student services, including the Revelle College Rental Program! This offers the opportunity for students to borrow board games for 24 hours in exchange for their PID and contact information at the College Center desk at the bottom of Blake Hall.
Questions or concerns? Contact the Director of Student Services at rccdss@ucsd.edu.