Academic Advising
Revelle Advising is dedicated to helping you achieve your educational, professional, and personal goals. We encourage you to contact us with any academic questions you may have throughout your career at UC San Diego. Please read below for more information about our services and the various ways you can connect with us.
Business Hours & Location
We are available remotely and in-person through the below services:
- Virtual Advising Center:
- Academic Advising Email:
- Drop-Ins: Monday - Friday during Fall, Winter, and Spring quarters. See Drop-in Advising tab below.
Appointments: To request an appointment, see Appointments tab below.
Revelle College Administrative Offices are located on the 3rd floor of Galbraith Hall, Suite 350
Normal Business hours are Monday - Friday, 9:00am - 12:00pm and 1:00pm - 4:00pm
Online Advising - Virtual Advising Center (VAC)
Current and former students can submit questions online through the Virtual Advising Center. Students are notified via UCSD email or text when their questions have been answered. Go to and click on notification preferences to receive text notifications.
Drop-In Advising
Most questions can be answered during our daily drop-in sessions. For REMOTE drop-in advising, please select the "Meet with Advisor" tab in the Virtual Advising Center (aka: VAC).
Remote Summer Drop-in Availability (July 2nd - September 20th)*:
- Tuesdays and Thursdays: 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM
Fall Quarter Drop-in Availability (September 25th - December 13th)**:
- Monday through Wednesday: 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM (In Person or Remote)
- Thursday: 1:30 - 3:30 (Remote only)
- Friday: 9:00 AM - 11:30 AM; 1:30 - 3:00 PM (In Person or Remote)
** Drop-ins will be closed on the following days:
- October 21st: College Staff Meeting
- November 11th: Veterans' Day
- November 18th: College Staff Meeting
- November 27th, 28th and 29th: Thanksgiving Break
- December 13th: College All Staff Event
Most questions can be answered during our daily drop-in sessions (see Drop-In Advising information above). Start by visiting us in drop-in advising! If you need additional time, we can schedule an appointment for you.
Appointments may be requested for long-term academic planning discussions, after students meet with their major/department advisor.
To request an appointment, visit the Request form.
New first year students: We are unable to accommodate individual appointments in your first year due to the volume of demands. Please come to an Academic Planning Workshop (below) and then visit drop-in advising. If you brought in substantial transfer coursework and are taking upper division classes in your first year, please schedule an appointment with your major advisors.
Academic Planning Workshops
For our first year students, we offer special long-term planning group sessions weekly! Please join us. All students are welcome to attend.
Academic Planning Workshops
Please bring a laptop if you have one available.
Fall 2024
Limited to the first 25 students to arrive.
- Session dates and times TBD.
Advising Syllabus
The syllabus is designed to help you plan for a successful and fulfilling academic experience. We hope that you will continue to utilize these recommendations and resources throughout your time at Revelle College and UC San Diego. Revelle College Academic Advising is here to assist you along the way. View your syllabus below.
Revelle College Academic Advising values the college system at UC San Diego and is part of the strong community within Revelle College. As a cohesive team of professional academic advisors, we uphold the core values derived from of our international professional association - the National Academic Advising Association (NACADA).
Caring - Revelle academic advisors value building relationships with students, colleagues and the campus community. We utilize empathetic listening, compassion, and care to challenge, support, and teach.
Commitment - Revelle academic advisors value and strive for high quality interactions with students, colleagues, and the UC San Diego community. We are committed to enhancing scholarly achievement through advocacy for student-centered policies, personal development, and life-long learning of our own team and the campus community.
Empowerment- Revelle academic advisors motivate, encourage, and support Revelle undergraduate students to recognize their potential, meet their challenges, and respect their individuality. We reach these goals by providing students with resources, information, and support, enabling students to reflect on and make well-informed choices about their academic journey.
Inclusivity - Academic advsiors respect, engage, and value a supportive and accessible Revelle culture for diverse populations. Advisors will consider and advocate for the needs and perspectives of diverse students, colleagues, and the UC San Diego community through openness, acceptance, and active support for equity.
Integrity - Revelle academic advisors act intentionally in accordance with ethical and professional behavior. Academic advisors value honesty, transparency, and accountability to the student, institution, and the advising profession. We hope to create a space where students can be upfront about their challenges and triumphs, and never be afraid to ask questions.
Professionalism - Revelle Advising commits to providing reliable, timely, accurate information while maintaining confidentiality under the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). We are committed to conscientious, courteous communication and interactions.
Respect - Revelle academic advisors honor the individual identities and experiences of all students. Advisors strive to build long lasting, meaningful, positive relationships by understanding and appreciating students’ views and cultures, maintaining a student-centered approach and mindset, and treating all students with equity and fairness.