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Congratulations, Graduates ~ Commencement 2025!

See past commencement ceremonies here:

General Commencement Information

Find all official information and announcements about Commencement at

  • UC San Diego All-Campus Commencement Ceremony
    • Saturday, June 14, 2025, 7 pm
  • Revelle College's Ceremony
    • Sunday, June 15, 2025, 6 pm

Commencement FAQs

Updates and information about Commencement can be found online at
Student registration and tickets - 

Am I eligible to participate in Commencement 2025?
If you meet the following criteria, you can register and participate in Commencement 2025.
Registration for college commencements is open to eligible undergraduate students with 135 units by the end of winter 2025 who are completing their degree in fall 2024, winter 2025, spring 2025, summer 2025, or fall 2025. Students are not eligible to participate in commencement if they are academically disqualified; they may not be eligible if they are currently serving a suspension.
If you have questions about filing your Degree and Diploma Application (DDA) or questions about your current academic standing, you can contact your college or department’s Virtual Advising Center (VAC), which can be found online at My TritonLink: Tools
Can I participate in more than one ceremony?
Graduates have the choice and are encouraged to register for All Campus Commencement and their College ceremony, but are not required to attend either.
Can I participate in more than one Commencement year? For example, can I attend my College and/or All Campus Commencement ceremony this year and again next year? Or, I attended last year; can I attend again this year?
Graduates may only participate during one Commencement year, the year they are eligible (see eligibility requirements above). But, they are permitted and encouraged to attend All Campus Commencement and their College ceremonies within that year.
Am I eligible to attend another College ceremony other than my “home” College ceremony?
Graduates are expected to attend their affiliated or home College ceremony; however, they may request an exception for consideration. See the questions below for details.
I need an exception; to attend another College’s ceremony, or I don’t meet the eligibility requirements. What should I do?
You will need the required documentation to support your request and, in most cases, pre-approval from your College. Go to for a list of exceptions considered by the Commencement Committee. Exception requests must be submitted to for consideration by the date to be determined.

What is the difference between the All Campus Commencement and the College ceremony, and do I need to register for both?
The registration process allows graduates to participate in Commencement 2025 ceremonies, either your College ceremony, All Campus Commencement, or both.
The College ceremonies are dedicated to the College’s graduating class and customized to deliver a unique College ceremony experience.
At the All Campus Commencement (ACC) ceremony, all UC San Diego graduates may attend and see a keynote speaker where the Chancellor will confer degrees by the academic division upon graduates gathered as one student body (names are not read at the ACC ceremony).
You and your guests are welcome to attend both or one. They are both held at RIMAC Field the weekend of June 14 and 15. 
You may register online at starting April 2, 2025. 

Where do I register for the ceremonies?
Online at Registration closes on a date to be determined.
Is there a fee to register?
There is no registration fee to attend.
Do I have to register to attend a ceremony?
To participate in Commencement 2025, you must register online at Registration opens on April 2, 2025. 
What is the deadline to register for the Commencement 2025 ceremonies?
The deadline is the date to be determined.
I need help with my registration; who should I contact for support? I need to cancel my registration; who should I contact for support?
Email Registration and Yearbook Support at
Can I modify my registration?
Go to and click on the link "Already Registered" or the link in your confirmation email after successfully registering. 
I am a graduate with VISA questions, inquiries about invitation letters, or other international travel specifics. Who should I contact?
Please contact the International Students & Programs Office (ISPO) at
When will I receive my diploma?
Registering for Commencement is to attend ceremonies only, meaning it is separate from your Degree and Diploma Application (DDA). Visit the About Diplomas page on TritonLink for everything a graduate should know about their diploma. The Commencement Team does not handle inquiries involving a graduate’s DDA or diploma-related inquiries.
Do guests need tickets to attend Commencement ceremonies?
No, guests do not need tickets currently. Only graduates need tickets to attend.
Do graduates need tickets to attend Commencement ceremonies?
Yes, printed tickets are required for graduates to enter the ceremony location. If you register by the deadline, you will receive an email to download your Commencement 2025 ticket(s) on the date to be determined.
Why do I need to print my ticket?
You must keep your ticket until you cross the stage as the name readers read your name at your College ceremony. The name readers use your ticket to read and pronounce your name correctly, then give your ticket to the photographers so they can contact you with your photo proofs after the ceremony. Your name may not be read without a printed ticket, and you may not receive your photo proof. 
What name will be showcased during Commencement? For example, printed on my ticket, read as I cross the stage, and displayed on the screens during my College ceremony?
Your lived name will be listed. If you have not updated your first/middle legal name to your lived name, your legal name will be used. 
What if I lose my ticket?
You can reprint your ticket at one of the ceremony’s print stations near check-in (follow signs to re-print stations). Arrive early to ensure time for re-printing. Save your ticket after you enter the ceremony location. The photographers will need it during the ceremony.
Where can graduates and guests find a Commencement booklet?

Commencement booklets will not be distributed during the ceremonies. Graduates and guests can download a virtual booklet online at on the day of their ceremony.
How do I get my name in the Commencement booklet?
You must request that your name be included in the virtual booklet by the date to be determined. 
Does the list of names in the booklet serve as proof of graduation or proof that a student graduated with honors?
No, the virtual booklet does not serve as a document of record or proof of graduation; it is a keepsake or memento. The final degree will be awarded based on all completed coursework and university requirements. Graded units and grade point average will determine candidates for Latin Honors for 2024-25 at the time of filing. Final honors will be awarded based on all completed courses and grades.
Is there a limit to the number of guests I can bring to the ceremonies?
No, there is no limit currently. 
Can my guests sit with me at Commencement?
Graduates will be seated together in the designated Graduate section, and guests will be seated in a section designed for graduates’ families and friends.

Where can guests purchase gifts?
Online at UC San Diego Bookstore Or at the Bookstore through Commencement weekend.
Where can guests purchase floral bouquets and leis?
Leis, bouquets, and t-shirts will be sold at Commencement. However, preorders for pickup before the ceremony are encouraged so participating students can wear leis onstage and in pictures. Order directly online at or
Is regalia (a cap, tassel, and gown) required? 
Yes, official UC San Diego regalia, cap, gown, and tassels are required for graduates and faculty/platform party members. Graduates can purchase regalia online at Or purchase in person at the Bookstore.

Is there a Grad Fair?
Yes, the Grad Fair is from a date to be determined. You can pick up regalia here and find other celebratory Commencement items for purchase.
I lost or forgot to order my regalia. What do I do?
You can purchase regalia at the UC San Diego Bookstore through Commencement Weekend. Check the website for hours of operation. If you lose regalia at the ceremony, you can go to the Help Deck near the entrance or the Bookstore tent on RIMAC Field after check-in.

April 2, 2025 – Registration opens, and regalia becomes available.

Date to be determined    Faculty registration and regalia order deadline.
Date to be determined  – Application deadline for All Campus Commencement Student Keynote Speaker and National Anthem Singer. Application for both positions can be found at,
Date to be determined  – Last day to submit exception requests (to participate in another college’s ceremony or unit exception)

Date to be determined  – Graduate deadline to register, modify registration, and order regalia online for delivery.
Date to be determined  – Ticket printing opens (email communication will be sent to registered graduates.
June 14 to June 15  – Commencement Weekend

Helpful Links

Guest and Visitor details -
Faculty registration and regalia orders -
Transportation & Security -
Past Ceremonies -

Day Of Ceremony Details

What do I need to bring to commencement ceremonies as a registered graduate?
  • Printed registration ticket (required)
  • Valid UCSD Student ID card or other valid ID cards (required)
  • Regalia (required)
  • Recommended: Sunscreen, reusable water bottle, comfortable shoes, and a smartphone (recommended)
What time is check-in for the Ceremonies?
Check-in is an hour before the start time for College ceremonies and All Campus Commencement and 30 minutes for Graduate Division, GPS, and Rady ceremonies.
Where do graduates and guests check in, and what happens here?
  • Students check in at the designated check-in location printed on their ticket.
  • For College ceremonies, check-in is located at Lot P357.
  • For GPS, Rady, and Graduate Division ceremonies, check-in is located on Ridgewalk by RIMAC Arena.
Allow time to wait in line for symptom screenings and security checks upon entry; all bags will be thoroughly searched.
After the security check, graduates and guests will continue to the check-in location, where the graduate’s printed ticket will be scanned to participate.
Graduates need to hold onto their tickets throughout the ceremony because they will be scanned again on the field to display their name on the screens as their name is read and they cross the stage.
How long are the ceremonies?
Each ceremony is scheduled for 100 minutes but may take 2 hours.
What accommodations will be available for students/guests needing special assistance?
  • Disabled parking will be available near the ceremony locations, and a shuttle service will be available.
  • The University does not provide wheelchairs.
  • There will be seating for guests needing special assistance; however, accommodations are first-come-first-serve. Please arrive early if you need special assistance.
  • Closed captioning will be available on the screens.
  • There will be seats dedicated to graduates and guests who are deaf or hard of hearing.
  • Service animals specifically trained to assist a person with a disability are welcome. No other animals are allowed.
If a guest or graduate cannot attend a ceremony, can they watch a live broadcast?
Yes, a live broadcast/live stream will be available at
Are pets allowed?
No pets allowed. Service animals specifically trained to assist a person with a disability are welcome.
Will there be a professional photographer taking photos during the ceremony? If so, how are photos ordered after Commencement?
Yes, Grad Images will take photos of graduates during the ceremony. Graduates will receive a text message or email to the phone number or email address they provided during registration, with a link to access their photo proofs. Orders should be placed within two to three weeks upon receipt of the text or email to ensure the fastest shipping time. For additional information, visit the company's website:   
Are parking permits needed for graduates and guests during Commencement weekend?
  • No parking permits are needed. Follow all event signage and directions of traffic management staff for access to the best available parking or drop-off locations.
  • Carpooling, ride-sharing, or using public transportation is recommended.
  • Additional information is available online at
Where are restrooms located?
Portable toilets and hand washing stations are available on the RIMAC Field and RIMAC Arena. Additional restrooms will be in the Economics Building, Sequoyah Hall, the Division of Social Sciences building, and the RIMAC Annex facility.
Will food, drinks, and water be available for purchase at the ceremony site?
Water will be available to graduates, guests, and faculty. Additional food and beverage may also be available for purchase.
Where is Lost & Found?
Lost & found items should be given to any security officer. Items will be turned over to Campus Police on Monday, June 17. Lost & Found phone number: (858) 682-2872.

Am I eligible for Commencement?

Undergraduate students must meet the standard commencement participation requirement of completing at least 135 units by the end of the winter quarter. Graduating seniors may check with their college to determine commencement participation and eligibility.

Revelle College does not make exceptions to the minimum 135 units. 

Can I modify or change my commencement ticket after I've registered?

Contact to request changes after completing your Virtual Registration at  

I want to change my legal/official name (first/middle/last). What do I do?

You must contact the Office of the Registrar of Academic Records immediately to request an official name change. Request for Change or Correction of Name form and more information can be found HERE

Once the official name is updated, it immediately refreshes the commencement registration system. Note that the official name change is for last names. A student cannot change their last name with the Social Identities Tool.


Congratulations to those of you who are preparing to graduate in June 2025. Please CLICK HERE for Graduation FAQs.  If you have any questions or need assistance, please get in touch with the Revelle College Advising Office through the Virtual Advising Center (VAC) or by calling 858-534-3490.

Latin Honors Criteria

College honors are awarded according to the top 14% standard adopted by the Academic Senate. The GPA range changes each academic year. To be eligible for honors, a student must receive letter grades for at least 72 quarter units of coursework at a UC campus.

When will I receive my diploma?

  • Diplomas are available 3-6 months after the end of the quarter in which the student graduates. Undergraduate and Graduate diplomas are mailed directly to the permanent mailing address on record in TritonLink. Diplomas will bear the student’s official name as stated on their UC San Diego academic record.
  • Upon completing the university and degree requirements, you will receive a UC San Diego diploma, as long as a Degree and Diploma Application (DDA) were properly submitted to your college before the end of their final quarter.
  • Multiple degrees are listed on one diploma. Minors are not listed on diplomas.
  • If a diploma is not received by the end of the time allowed, contact Academic Records at (858) 534-3144.
