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Res Life Services

Below you will find information on what Revelle Residence Life can help you with!

Keeling Rooftop - aerial view of Keeling garden rooftop

Lock Outs and Lost Keys

Please see the information below should you be locked out of your space or lost your key to access your space. 


Residents locked out of their contracted HDH living space may request lockout assistance at any time. With the exception of University Holidays/Closures, between the hours of 8A-9P (M-F) and 9A-9P (Saturday, Sunday), residents may receive lockout assistance at no charge by visiting their Residence Life Office or by contacting the Residence Life RA on Duty Phone. *Please note that each student receives three free lock-outs per academic year from our office and RA's. After the third lockout, students will be charged $10 per each subsequent lock-out.

During the following hours, please go to the Revelle Residence Life Office to check out a lock-out key:

  • Weekdays 8:00am-4:30pm

During the following hours, please call the RA on duty at (858) 534-4545:

  • Weekdays 5:00pm - 9:00pm
  • Weekends 9:00am - 9:00pm
Between the following hours, or on University Holidays, residents may call UCSD Police at (858) 534-4357 and request after hours lockout assistance from UC San Diego Police.  Residents’ student accounts will be charged a $25 fee for each request to cover the cost of dispatching staff and for the administrative cost associated with the service.  There is no grace period, appeal process, or fee waiving exception to after hours requests.

  • Weekdays 9:00pm-8:00am
  • Weekends 9:00pm-9:00am

Lost Key or Keycard

  • Residents who have lost their University-issued physical door key will be charged a $65 fee to their student accounts to cover the cost of making a duplicate key.  This fee is in addition to any fees associated with after-hours lockout assistance request and there is no grace period, appeal process, or fee waiving exception to this fee.  
  • Residents who have lost their UC San Diego Identification and whose residence uses electronic locks must obtain a replacement card from Card Services and then have their ID re-encoded at their Residence Life Office within 72 hours, except University holidays.  Any fees associated with a replacement identification are in addition to any fees associated with after-hours lockout assistance and there is no grace period, appeal process, or fee waiving exception to after hours requests. 

Mail and Parcels

Post Office Boxes

You will receive a post office box number and combination when you check into the residence halls or apartments. All mail should be addressed to:

Student's Name
9450 Gilman Drive #7xxxx
La Jolla, CA 92092

Residence hall and apartment post office boxes are located on the first floor of Argo Hall.

Parcel Pickup

Parcels are delivered through Main Campus Mail. An email will be sent to your UCSD email address instructing you to pick up your parcel in the Revelle College mail room.

Have mail questions

Check out Student Mail's website to lean more about student mail services and to ask any questions. 

Maintenance and Custodial Services


The bathrooms and public areas are cleaned regularly in the residence halls and weekly in the apartments. The cleanliness of your room and apartment is your responsibility. 


Washers and dryers are located on each floor of Blake and Argo, on the first floors of the Fleet residence halls, and on each floor of the west bar in the Keeling Apartments. Triton Cash is the only method of payment accepted for laundry. For your own protection, do not leave laundry unattended for any length of time. If you discover a malfunctioning machine, place an "Out of order" sign on it and contact Customer Service at 858-534-2600.  


Request maintenance for your room or apartment. For emergencies call (858)534-2600 24-hours a day. For non-emergencies submit an online “Fix-It” request at: Please report serious or emergency problems immediately.

Lost and Found

Lost and Found

Items lost in the residence halls or apartments are turned in to the UCSD Police Department immediately. Campus Police (Lost and Found) is located in the Campus Service Complex, Building B.