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REV 20 Winter 2025 seminar attending the Shake Table thanks to Professor Lelli Van Den Einde's hospitality. 

Revelle Honors Programs

Revelle College encourages students to enhance their academic experience by seeking challenges and growth. Its freshman Honors Program and Provost Honors Program recognize students for their academic achievements.

Revelle Freshman Honors Program

Particularly well-prepared students coming to UC San Diego, Revelle College from high schools (first-year students) are invited to join the Revelle College Honors Program, which includes weekly participation in a small faculty seminar (REV 20). In the fall quarter, eligible first-year students will be invited to enroll. Enrollment criteria include a high school GPA of 3.8 and above, and high achievement in a combination AP or Honors or College Level Courses or IB HL. 

In additionfirst-year Regents Scholars, Jacobs Scholars, Chancellor's Scholars, and Chancellor’s Associates Scholars are eligible for enrollment

Invitation to the program’s winter and spring quarter seminar is offered to first-year students who achieve a 3.7 GPA in at least twelve graded units per quarter, taken at UC San Diego during the previous quarter/s. 

Quarterly provost honors, honors at graduation, departmental honors, and Phi Beta Kappa honors are awarded to students at all class levels. An honors recognition event is held in spring quarter for the top two hundred Revelle students (from all class levels).

Provost Honors

Students who achieve 3.5 GPA or higher in at least 12 graded units, with no grade of D, F, or NP recorded for the quarter, receive Provost Honors for the quarter and this achievement is posted on student transcripts.

Upon achieving Provost Honors for all three quarters in the same academic year (F,W,S), a special recognition certificate is mailed to the student's permanent domestic address, sent out close to the start of the new academic year (late summer). Energized by Revelle's rigorous general education curriculum, over 1000 students achieved Provost Honors in 2022-2023 (three quarters attaining a 3.5 or greater GPA in at least 12 graded units each quarter). 

In addition to the Provost Honors program, Revelle College sponsors an annual student and faculty honors event to recognize Revelle College's top academic achieving students. Criteria for invitation: GPA 3.7> in 12 graded units per quarter for fall and winter; graduating seniors (those who have filed their DDA), GPA 3.6> in 12 graded units per quarter for fall and winter. Students who meet these criteria will be invited to the Revelle College Annual Honors Reception & Awards Ceremony.

UC San Diego Department Honors

Qualified students graduate with a degree awarded with distinction, with high distinction, or with highest distinction. Each department may honor up to twenty percent of graduating seniors who have completed a special course of study within that department. This may entail an honors research project or paper in addition to specific course work. Please check with your department for details.

Latin Honors at Graduation

UC San Diego Academic Senate has established this standard for award of Latin Honors at graduation: 

No more than 14 percent of the graduating seniors on campus shall be eligible for Latin Honors. Normally, no more than the top 2 percent shall be eligible for summa cum laude and no more than the next 4 percent for magna cum laude, although minor variations from year to year shall be permitted. The remaining 8 percent are eligible for cum laude. The ranking of students for eligibility for Latin Honors shall be based upon the grade point average. In addition, to be eligible for Latin Honors, a student must receive letter grades for at least 72 graded units of course work at the University of California. 

2023 - 2024 Eligibility
Cum laude - 3.876 - 3.945
Magna cum laude - 3.946 - 3.982
Summa cum laude - 3.983 - 4

2022 - 2023 Eligibility
Cum laude (6-14%) - 3.850 - 3.928
Magna cum laude - (2-6%) - 3.929 - 3.974
Summa cum laude (top 2%) - 3.975 - 4.0

2021 - 2022 Eligibility
Cum laude (6-14%) - 3.819 - 3.915
Magna cum laude - (2-6%) - 3.916 - 3.966
Summa cum laude (top 2%) - 3.967 - 4.0

2020 - 2021 Eligibility
Cum laude (6-14%) - 3.771 - 3.877
Magna cum laude (2-6%) - 3.878 - 3.951
Summa cum laude (top 2%) - 3.952 - 4.00

Phi Beta Kappa

The UCSD chapter of Phi Beta Kappa elects student members on the basis of high scholastic achievement in a broad academic program emphasizing the liberal arts and sciences. Phi Beta Kappa is a national honor society that was founded in 1776 at the College of William and Mary in Virginia, and it is the oldest and most prestigious academic honor society for undergraduates in America. Many students in Revelle College who satisfy the College humanities requirement also satisfy the PBK requirement for humanities courses. The chapter also requires coursework in social sciences, mathematics, and natural sciences as well as an official indication in their Academic History of college-level facility with a second language. Those who, in addition, have earned a minimum GPA of 3.800 receive an invitation to join.To be a member, a student must respond to the invitation and follow the instructions in the invitation.