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General Education Requirements for Transfer Students

Your Revelle College General Education requirements are determined by the articulation agreement you may have completed at your previous institution. 

Students admitted to UC San Diego as freshmen are not eligible for IGETC and Partial-IGETC.

To graduate, all Revelle College students must meet the requirements of the university, their major, and Revelle College.

With IGETC: 

  • Transfer students with IGETC must still satisfy HUM 100, Revelle Math, and Revelle Natural Science requirements
  • IGETC does not waive all required lower-division courses. Review major requirements with your major department advisor and university requirements with the college.

With Partial IGETC: 

Partial IGETC may be applied for students missing only 1 or 2 IGETC courses. Your previous California Community College must send your IGETC certification to UC San Diego Undergraduate Admissions for consideration. Consult with Revelle College Advising to determine how to complete the remaining IGETC courses at UC San Diego.
  • Transfer students with IGETC must still satisfy HUM 100, Revelle Math, and Revelle Natural Science requirements, and any missing IGETC areas
  • Partial IGETC does not waive all required lower-division courses. Review major requirements with your major department advisor and university requirements with the college.

With UC Reciprocity: 

Starting Fall 2025, UC Reciprocity satisfies the lower-division GE requirements of Revelle College. The required upper-division Revelle College GE is HUM 100. We encourage students to complete HUM 100 in their first year at UCSD. If you are a continuing student please contact Revelle Advising to discuss options. 

UC Reciprocity does not waive all required lower- division courses. Review major requirements with your major department advisor and university requirements with the college.

Without IGETC, Partial IGETC, or UC Reciprocity Certification: 

If you transferred from an academic institution without a certification (IGETC or UC Reciprocity), an academic advisor will review your transfer courses during your first quarter. They will review your transfer work on a course-by-course basis and determine which GE requirements you have fulfilled and which GE requirements are still needed. You may need to petition some of your transfer courses for GE credit.
There are three main areas you will need to satisfy to earn your Bachelor's degree, these include: Major Requirements, College Requirements, and University Requirements.
  • We recommend that you meet with your major department advisor to review your major requirements. As an articulation student, you may also need to petition some of your transfer courses for major credit or to clear prerequisites.
  • In addition to your remaining lower division GE requirements, you will also need to complete the upper division Revelle College GE requirement: HUM 100. We encourage students to complete HUM 100 in their first year at UCSD.
  • The University requirements are outlined on our website under University Requirements and in the Catalog.