At the time...
The 1970’s marked an eventful period in U.S. and world affairs. In 1974, U.S. President Richard Nixon resigned from the office of presidency as a result of the infamous Watergate scandal. In 1979, ninety hostages were taken at the American embassy in Tehran in what was known as the Iran Hostage Crisis.
Other significant events include the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in 1973 in Roe vs. Wade. The court’s ruling was a major advancement in the civil rights of women regarding abortion.
In 1979, the first spacecraft passed Saturn, making it the first spacecraft to visit the planet marking further developments in space technology.
Coffee Hut Sign
The Coffee Hut sign was salvaged from the demolition pile by Dan Eby, a former student at UC San Diego. He graduated in 1982, and during his time played water polo and also became the first women's polo coach.
Eby was a collector of mementos and memories and one of his most prized possessions was the Coffee Hut sign.
In an effort to rekindle its memory, the sign was passed on to Bob Conlin (pictured above), who returned it to UC San Diego at the original coffee hut site.