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La Jolla ProjectGraduation FAQ's

What is the difference between Commencement and Graduation?

Graduation is the completion of all graduation requirements and official posting of a student's degree to their academic record.

Students must file an electronic Degree Diploma Application (DDA) in order to graduate.

Commencement is the annual ceremony in which any student with 135 or more units by the end of Winter Quarter may choose to participate. Participation in the commencement ceremony does not constitute official graduation from the University. Read more about Commencement here.

How do I apply to graduate?

To apply to graduate, submit your electronic Degree and Diploma Application (DDA). Your graduation quarter should be the quarter that you last completed any courses.

What are the filing periods?

If the requirements for your degree will be completed by the end of :

Advised Online DDA Filing Period:


Week 1 Summer Session through Friday of finals week Summer Session II


Week 1 Fall Quarter through Friday of finals week Fall Quarter


Week 1 Winter Quarter through Friday of finals week Winter Quarter


Week 1 Spring Quarter through Friday of finals week Spring Quarter

 File by the deadlines above to avoid delays in graduation processing.

What if I don't know if I'm ready to graduate yet?

Do not submit the DDA just yet. First, consult with your major department(s) and with Revelle Academic Advising to determine your progress toward graduation.

What if I am taking my last classes at community college?

You must contact your community college to send an official transcript to the UC San Diego Admissions Office as soon as possible. Your Academic History will display your transferred courses once your transfer courses have been received by the UC San Diego Admissions Office and posted to your UC San Diego records. Please continue to check your Academic History for that information.

What are the eligibility requirements for Latin Honors at graduation?

UC  San Diego Academic Senate has established this standard for award of College Honors at graduation: 

No more than 14 percent of the graduating seniors on campus shall be eligible for college Honors. Normally, no more than the top 2 percent shall be eligible for summa cum laude and no more than the next 4 percent for magna cum laude, although minor variations from year to year shall be permitted. The remaining 8 percent are eligible for cum laude. The ranking of students for eligibility for college Honors shall be based upon the grade point average. In addition, to be eligible for Honors, a student must receive letter grades for at least 72 graded units of course work at the University of California. Each college may award Honors at graduation only to those who are eligible to receive college Honors.

2021 - 2022 Eligibility
Cum laude (6-14%) - 3.819 - 3.915
Magna cum laude - (2-6%) - 3.916 - 3.966
Summa cum laude (top 2%) - 3.967 - 4.0

2020 - 2021 Eligibility
Cum laude (6-14%) - 3.771 - 3.877
Magna cum laude (2-6%) - 3.878 - 3.951
Summa cum laude (top 2%) - 3.952 - 4.0

2019 - 2020 Eligibility
Cum laude - 3.758 - 3.870
Magna cum laude - 3.871 - 3.944
Summa cum laude - 3.945 - 4.0

2018 - 2019 Eligibility 
Cum laude - 3.725 - 3.851
Magna cum laude - 3.852 - 3.935
Summa cum laude - 3.936 - 4.0


How do I know when I've graduated?

When you have officially graduated from the university, your Academic History will reflect that information along with the date of conferral. Your degree status will be listed as "Conferred." At that point, you can request official degree verification from the Registrar's Office. Please continue to check your Academic History for that information. You are not officially graduated from the university until your degree has been posted to your academic record.

When I'm filing my DDA, my minor is not showing because I either have not declared it or it is in process. What do I do?

Your minor must be officially declared prior to degree conferral. You may file your DDA prior to the final processing of your minor, but it is your responsibility to ensure that the minor is officially added to your record prior to degree conferral. If your minor is in process, check frequently to be sure it comes up on Tritonlink. If you do not see it in a reasonable amount of time, check with the department. If you have not submitted your minor yet, now is the time to do that. Contact Revelle Advising when your minor is posted so your DDA can be updated.

Note: Minors Do Not appear on the diploma, but will be listed on the transcript.

How do I retract my DDA?

If after filing the DDA you find that you made a mistake OR you realize you are not able to complete your degree in the quarter you declared, message Revelle Advising through the Virtual Advising Center to request for your DDA to be retracted.

How long will it take for me to receive my diploma?

Once grades are finalized for the quarter, the Major Department reviews the records of students who applied to graduate in that quarter. If the student has completed all requirements for the major, the Major Department signs off on the student's records and then the College reviews the student's records to make sure the student has completed all GE requirements and University requirements. If the student has completed those requirements, the College signs off on the student's records and sends them to the Registrar's office. The Registrar then finalizes (confers) the student's records, prints the diploma, and mails the diploma to the student's Permanent Address on Tritonlink. 

Due to the volume of students, it usually takes 30-90 days from the time grades are finalized for the degree to be conferred. Diplomas are typically available 3-6 months after the end of the quarter in which the student graduates.