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Academic Difficulty

I am on probation. What does that mean?

If either your term or cumulative GPA is between 1.50 and 1.99, you are on Academic Probation. This is a warning, but you can continue to enroll. Please review the Back on Track website for additional information. Academic Probation is noted on internal records but does not appear on your official transcript.

What is subject to disqualification?

Subject to Disqualification is an academic standing. If you have been on Academic Probation two or more consecutive quarters and your cumulative GPA is below 2.0, you will become Subject to Disqualification. Or, if your term GPA is below 1.5, you will become Subject to Disqualification. Revelle College will review your academic record and make a decision about whether you may continue to enroll. Please review the Back on Track website for additional information.

I was academically disqualified. What should I do?

First, review the information provided on the Return to UC San Diego after Disqualification from UC San Diego page. Revelle Academic Advisors are available to meet with you to discuss return to UC San Diego options after being disqualified. Visit us during drop-in advising, schedule an appointment, or send a message through the Virtual Advising Center (VAC).